Pregnancy Acupuncture By No.1 Acupuncturist Monisha

Acupuncture During Pregnancy. Is it safe?

Acupuncture is a safe, natural and effective therapy to support you and address concerns that may arise at different stages during your pregnancy. Increasing numbers of women are turning to complementary and alternative therapies to manage and alleviate pregnancy-related discomfort and ailments. Acupuncture in particular, is gaining popularity. A 2013 review by Medical Acupuncture found that anywhere from 4% to 13% of European women use acupuncture during their pregnancies.

First Trimester

This is a very exciting and often nerve-wracking time for Mums-to-be. During the first trimester, acupuncture is useful for addressing common complaints during early pregnancy, such as nausea, vomiting, and anxiety. Acupuncture provides a natural alternative to taking medications to manage these symptoms, whilst optimising your overall health and wellbeing, boosting energy levels, reducing stress and preventing miscarriage. There is also a special treatment traditionally performed at the 12 week mark, to encourage the foetus to develop into a bright, alert and healthy baby. Weekly treatments are recommended, and as always, each treatment is tailored to your individual needs and concerns at the time.

Second Trimester

Your baby bump is growing, you are glowing, you’re starting to tell people your wonderful news. For many women, this is the most enjoyable stage of pregnancy. During this trimester symptoms such as heartburn, indigestion, back ache, sciatica, hip pain, headaches, constipation, haemorrhoids and insomnia are among the most commonly experienced by expectant mothers. Acupuncture can help manage and alleviate these discomforts so that you can get on with preparing for the arrival of your bundle of joy. Treatments every 2-4 weeks are recommended, however this can be adjusted according to your needs and concerns.

Third Trimester

Acupuncture can be very helpful in preparing your mind and body for the birthing process. Weekly labour and birth preparation treatments are recommended from 35 weeks until you give birth. These treatments focus on alleviating aches and pains, reducing stress and calming anxiety, ripening and dilating the cervix, optimally positioning your baby for labour and reducing the duration of labour.
In the case of a breech presentation, there are treatments beginning at the 32 week mark to assist your baby to turn safely and naturally into the correct position.

If you are past your due date and would like to encourage your body to naturally begin the process of labour, acupuncture treatments can induce labour gently and safely. Treatments several times a week are recommended and you will be shown some acupressure techniques to do at home also.

To book in for a pregnancy acupuncture consultation please call our No.1 Women's Health team on (03) 9132 9644 or email us at